Case Study:
Hope Academy
Recently achieving their National Online Safety Certified School status, Hope Academy have thrived in enhancing their online safety provision across the school.
The Merseyside academy was founded in September 2011 and provides education for students throughout Key Stage 3 and 4, as well as offering a Sixth Form Centre for pupils to extend their studies.
Online safety is a subject which has a high priority within Hope Academy’s curriculum, and they’ve embraced the resources which we’ve provided to them.
Whole School Approach
A key factor in formulating their decision to opt for an online safety provider was the impact which could be made across the whole school community.
The Certified School Package which we supply does just that, with a wealth of resources available for parents, carers, school staff and children alike.
Paul Bailey, Head of Computing & Business at Hope Academy said: “National Online Safety provide a clear and extensive range of support and resources for teachers, parents and students. It’s helped the Computing department develop the Online Safety curriculum using the Education for the Connected World resources. All the resources are user friendly and up to date.
“The interactive materials helped staff understand the range of safeguarding issues, tips and strategies to better inform students about their online activity and possible drawbacks of using social media in particular. The online training supports staff in education because we can complete the training in our own time.”
Variation of Resources
Easily accessible and informative, the vast amount of online safety material which Hope Academy have had the ability to tap into has allowed them to react to trending topics in the digital world.
Mr Bailey explained: “They (National Online Safety’s resources) are easy to access and the webinars give a clear overview of the current hot topics and social media trends and terminology, such as sad-fishing.
“The lesson plans and resources for the Education for the Connected World, e.g. Online Identity are helpful.
“Staff, who have children of their own, have engaged with the resources to support their own parenting of social media.”
Total Gratification
The academy also praised the continuous support which has been given to them from our team here at National Online Safety, who have been on hand to provide updates and assistance with any queries they’ve had.
“Since Sophie Roberts has been in contact, she has always been quick to respond, and since the website update, I have found managing staff accounts far easier than the previous system,” Mr Bailey highlighted.
“Overall, we are very satisfied with the quality and range of resources. Keep up the good work!”