Case Study:
Allerton Church of England Primary School
At Allerton Church of England Primary School, 35,000 minutes of training via our award-winning platform have already been completed, but that’s only the start.
Helen Stott, who is headteacher at the school, came across our School Membership offer when she purchased a webinar on a one-off basis, and was impressed by what she saw.
Inspired by the content, she took out a subscription to School Membership, and set about rolling out our CPD across the school, with great results.
Investing in staff development
Helen knows the value of high-quality CPD and revealed: "My philosophy is that investing in staff is your greatest asset, so you have to put time and money into that."
"It's always been a big focus." she continued.
Helen explained: "Our needs differ depending on the school improvement priorities."
"Also, it depends on what individual staff members want in terms of their own development." she commented.
High-quality CPD in precarious times
When the Covid-19 pandemic hit, Allerton Church of England Primary School knew that they needed a platform where staff could access high-quality CPD without disruption.
Helen explained: "When COVID-19 hit last year, I decided it was really important to make decisions early on.”
"One of those decisions was ensuring that staff had access to high-quality CPD. The National College was a fantastic offer for that." she declared.
Helen had already appreciated the quality of CPD on our platform, and was keen to roll it out to all staff.
She said: "I had signed up for myself, and when we went into lockdown, we decided to go for a whole School Membership."
"I've got a really proactive staff team, so there wasn't anyone who didn't want to engage with the CPD." she explained.
Managing completion of CPD
From an administrative standpoint too, she’s been impressed with how straightforward it is to track progress throughout the school.
"It's been really helpful." she commented.
The attitude of staff was highly praised by Helen, who says that, through our state-of-the-art learning hub, she’s able to allocate relevant courses and webinars according to need.
"It's really useful to see where they might be some gaps." she commented.
A wealth of knowledge
Guidance and policy updates are frequent and, at The National College, we respond in a timely manner, through expert-led webinars and courses.
“I think what The National College has, that you don't get from anywhere else, is that you've just got so much available. That's why we bought into it originally." she stated.
Helen continued: “It’s been a godsend really, because staff have been able to get into things which they wouldn’t have had time to do previously."
“As time goes on, we still want to give people the time for CPD.”
The breadth of content available on The National Hub has ensured that the school is always on top of current topics in the education sector – something that has been invaluable in the current climate.
"You can fill the gaps of things that we haven't got within the school."
"There is everything that you could possibly want, in one place.” she concluded.