Alison Featherbe
Alison is passionate about young children’s development and learning and the essential role of the adult in providing high quality interactions, teachable moments and play opportunities and experiences that let children learn through their play.
A leading EYFS authority, licenced SchemaPlay trained and NSPCC trained trainer with over 35 years’ experience in the Early Years sector, Alison works in partnership with providers of EYFS to empower, excite and enthuse owners, leaders and managers. In this capacity, she enables the professional growth of teams and individuals. She also works with other early years organisations and consultants to create their policy, ethos, documentation, and content that aligns with the principles of the EYFS.
As an OMEP-UK Early Childhood Education for Sustainable Citizenship (ESC) Award Trainer, an award developed to support all those working with children and parents, she supports the learning objectives of the UNESCO Sustainable Development Goals.
Alison is an external mentor for the University of Sussex and the University of Brighton for those studying for early years teacher status (EYT).