Amanda Griffiths
Amanda Griffiths has 20 years of experience in education. She is the Director of L.E.A.D. Equate Teaching School Alliance, including 25 primary and secondary academies within L.E.A.D. Academy Trust itself.
Amanda is primarily responsible for leading a staff team to provide the highest quality CPD for teachers and support staff at every stage of their career. She is also responsible for leading both an English and RSHE Hub, designated nationally by the DfE, and as an accredited delivery partner for NPQs, also has extensive experience of delivering leadership qualifications and training in a range of contexts.
Amanda has been a Headteacher and Executive Headteacher of two primary academies in Lincolnshire where she was central in their journey to Outstanding. She has an understanding of high standards, growth and consistency in relation to leadership and has driven school improvement which has a sustained impact.
Based upon research and practice within schools, Amanda has been responsible for writing and leading the ‘Active Brand’, a commercial programme which has been purchased and implemented in over 100 schools to date across the region. This has been proven to have an impact upon outcomes in English and Mathematics.
She also contributes strategically across the Derbyshire region and is a member of the Strategic Education Improvement Board for Nottingham, The University of Nottingham, The Outstanding Leaders Partnership Board and a Chartered College/TDT associate.