Andrew Lagden
Andrew is an experienced independent education consultant, supporting many national organisations, trusts, individual schools and local authorities, with a very successful track record of securing significant improvement.
Andrew was a school inspector, working on behalf of Ofsted contractors, for over 15 years. He currently works as a school improvement consultant for trusts and schools in both primary and secondary phases as well as for Manchester City Council and Nottinghamshire County Council. Additionally, he also works as an external CEO and headteacher performance management adviser for trusts and governing bodies.
Andrew has also provided significant support for the development of trusts and free schools, particularly in view of the DfE’s expectation in the White Paper and Schools’ Bill in 2022 that all schools should join a strong trust, or have plans to join or form one, by 2030.
Additionally, he has delivered national leadership conferences and courses, in a wide range of areas including recently on the development of trusts, school improvement and the current Ofsted Education Inspection Framework (EIF) on behalf of high-profile education organisations.