Claire Collins
Claire has worked in the UK and Europe supporting the development and roll out of national adult learning initiatives. She focuses particularly on adult literacy, numeracy, language and ICT (adult literacies) and specialises in vocational training and offender learning. Claire leads for CCC on equality, diversity and inclusion and is the production editor for the RaPAL network, which focuses on adult literacies as social practices.
Claire has written articles and quality improvement guides/case studies on adult learning and curriculum development. She has also supported and coordinated teacher-training projects for a wide range of contexts. As an advocate for active learning and the use of new technologies, she has a strong track record in quality improvement across all adult learning sectors.
During the national Skills for Life initiative in England (2001 – 2010), Claire began to train other teachers and post-16 organisations to develop effective approaches for teaching post-16 learners with a focus on English, maths and ESOL. As a result of her work in England, Claire was drafted by the Dutch ‘Reading and Writing Foundation’ in 2010 to help set up ‘Taal vor het Leven’, the national adult literacy programme for the Netherlands.