Devin Cassidy BSc (Hons) PGCE FRSC FCCT
Devin has spent over 30 years in education, both the state and independent sector. A former Head of a large independent school with over 13 years of senior leadership experience, he is now an education consultant. Devin is a fellow of both the Royal Society of Chemistry and the Chartered College of Teaching.
Devin was a member of an executive committee which successfully merged two large and successful independent schools into one, involving a great deal of understanding of change management; financial planning; HR restructuring; curriculum design and marketing. With his roots in pastoral care and safeguarding, he believes that every child can achieve brilliance if they are happy and develop a good work ethic.
Devin has a number of articles published in both the local and national press and in his spare time is a State School Governor and Trustee of his local Hospice.