Dr Michael Harpham
With 30 years’ teaching experience, two master’s degrees, and a doctorate in education, Dr Michael Harpham has extensive educational and leadership experience. He has held senior leadership roles in a broad range of schools throughout London and the home counties.
Michael has volunteered as a school governor and set up his own consultancy, School Leader Development Ltd, to develop and deliver training and coaching programmes for teachers and school leaders. Michael is a highly experienced mentor and enjoys supporting and developing staff and teams to reach their potential.
Michael’s training programme was later published by Routledge, Progress Plain and Simple: what every teacher needs to know about improving pupil progress (2020), followed by The School Leader’s Year: month-by-month progress, every lesson, every day (2022), and Teamwork Plain and Simple: 5 key ingredients to team success in schools (2023), based on his doctoral research.
Michael has also studied singing, piano, and composition at the Royal Academy of Music in London. When not working, he continues to enjoy the artistic side of life through his photography, published by The Sunday Times, and his music that he performs at the Royal Albert Hall.