Gabriella Russo
Gabriella has over 25 years’ experience working in the UK and internationally with children, young people and families in education settings, children’s homes, social care and faith communities. She supports, and delivers training to, frontline professionals working with them, leading staff and volunteer teams. She has experience working with looked-after children, children in care, as well as children and adults who have been abused.
Following a previous role in the NSPCC, in which she led a team of staff and volunteers delivering an abuse prevention programme to primary-school pupils, Gabriella set up her own business as an independent safeguarding trainer and consultant, and is a member of the Harrow Local Safeguarding Board. She is the Online Safety Trainer for Wandsworth Local Safeguarding Board, as well as the Online Safety Expert for Fosterwiki.
She works in primary and secondary schools, colleges, and universities with local safeguarding boards with businesses and charities that want to ensure a robust safeguarding practice, while also lecturing regularly at the University of Wales. Here, she works with MBA and social care students, lecturing on subjects such as leadership and management, community engagement, and building an inclusive workplace.
Gabriella previously worked as an NRM first responder, interviewing adult victims of human trafficking and modern slavery. She also supports women who have experienced, or are experiencing, domestic abuse and violence in faith communities.