Iain Temperton
With over 35 years’ experience in the road safety profession, Iain’s previous role before starting as a freelance consultant was team manager for road safety at Norfolk County Council. He provided overall management of the road safety education and driving teams and management of the county’s Casualty Reduction Partnership. In providing steer for the partnership, he established an environment of open communication and professional respect which inspired the creation of very successful and powerful media campaigns, educational schemes and training initiatives.
Iain was the liaison between Norfolk Constabulary and Norfolk County Council in the governance of the safety camera function, to facilitate the highways works and ensure that the political and media aspects of the scheme were approached proactively and in a timely manner. His social and political awareness, communication skills and the ability to negotiate were a significant asset to this process. Iain has also served as director of communications for Road Safety GB, the professional practitioner body.
Since setting up as a freelance consultant Iain has worked with Road Safety GB, National Highways and Agilysis amongst others, operating across the different disciplines of strategy, policy, evaluation and delivery. Current projects include commissions to review and reshape a number of road safety partnerships, which includes creation of strategies and delivery plans that deliver within a Safe System and strive towards Vision Zero goals. His wide ranging knowledge of road safety issues and experience of what does and doesn’t work are an invaluable asset to projects in this arena.
Iain is also currently supporting a number of local authorities in the delivery of work-based road risk delivery projects on behalf of the Driving for Better Business brand.