Kate Whittlesey
Kate Whittlesey is the director of the SEND Advisory Team; an educational consultation firm specialising in the development of whole-school and multi-academy SEND improvements. She works nationally and speaks at a range of SEND conferences. Kate has also worked across all age ranges of education, from birth through to post-16.
Her experience includes trust SEND leadership, SEND multi-academy trusts and whole-school improvements across the UK, directing regional SEND provision, local authority SEND advisory, regulatory board, SENCO, SEND governance, and working as a multi-academy SEND trustee.
Throughout her career, Kate has developed a positive reputation for driving sustainable improvements, having successfully worked with schools from those in need of rapid improvement through to schools judged ‘outstanding’. Kate carries out a vast range of SEND improvement work across the UK including whole-school reviews, post-Ofsted developmental support, and bespoke SEND consultation. Kate supports provisions in SEND review training and SEND consultant coaching and mentoring, working with SEND trust leaders as well as SENCOs. She coaches and mentors different leaders and managers in a variety of settings.