Kieran Mackle
Kieran is a primary mathematics specialist teacher with a keen interest in class-based research and evidence-informed practice. From 2008, Kieran gained experience teaching and leading in areas of high socio-economic deprivation, supporting staff and pupils to achieve the best possible educational outcomes.
At the beginning of 2017, he was appointed as the mathematics specialist and collaboration lead for three Gravesham primary schools, where he oversaw a five-year project funded by the Worshipful Company of Goldsmiths. This aimed to enhance the quality of mathematics education provided for vulnerable and disadvantaged pupils.
Currently, he is a director of ALTA Education, a company that provides professional development and school improvement support for schools and their teachers. He has worked with schools across the world to support them in enriching their offering for their pupils.
He is also the author of two books on primary mathematics – Tackling Misconceptions in Primary Mathematics, ‘a practical guide based on the principles that sound subject knowledge is key to fostering understanding, and addressing misconceptions is central to pupil progress’, and Thinking Deeply about Primary Mathematics, ‘a comprehensive exploration of the ideas, theories and practices of most value to beginning teachers, as well as any teacher with the desire to improve their practice’. He is also the host of Thinking Deeply about Primary Education, a weekly podcast for time-poor but enthusiasm-rich teachers.