Lat Blaylock
Lat Blaylock is a primary and secondary specialist. He is Editor of 'RE Today magazine' and has written many RE resources published by RE Today, including 'Picturing Christianity', 'Big, Big Questions' (a package for music in RE) and 'Spiritual Engagement' (a folder of ideas for 16-19 RE days), as well as contributing to many resources such as Understanding Christianity. He taught RE, Humanities and PSHE in Leicester for eleven years.
Since joining RE Today his work has been wide-ranging and varied, and includes advising teachers, schools, SACREs, dioceses and local authorities. His CPD training courses attract thousands of teachers every year, covering themes from poetry, art and creativity to assessment, GCSE and curriculum planning.
Lat also runs day conferences for gifted and talented pupils and for 16-19s. He has made seven series of RE broadcasts with the BBC, including the award winning ‘My Life My Religion’ (2015) and recently has been involved in advising the BBC on the BBC 'Religions of the World' and 'A to Z of Religions and Belief' series (2017). Lat was also the specialist writer for the RE Council’s 2013 national RE curriculum framework.