Laura Barke
Laura Barke is a former primary school teacher who taught predominantly in KS2. She was also a PE coordinator, striving to improve children’s overall health and wellbeing through initiatives such as the daily mile. With a passion for outdoor learning and sustainability in schools, Laura now works as a project officer in the Sustainable Schools team at Leicester City Council: supporting schools across the city to focus on sustainability, climate change and the environment.
One such project has seen Laura working alongside the environmental project Earthwatch Europe to introduce Tiny Forests to more than 20 schools in Leicester. She has also collaborated with other external partners including WWF, Energy Sparks, Plastic Clever Schools and Kids Against Plastic.
Laura has been involved in the Scout Association for many years, holding various roles within the Loughborough district and inspiring young people to become more aware of the world around them. She holds a BSc in Psychology and PGCE Primary with Mathematics specialism.