Marie Thompson
Marie Thompson is a qualified maths teacher with over 16 years’ experience and track record of outstanding practice. She has a masters in Developmental Psychology and has conducted research on approaches to teaching and learning in phonics.
Marie has undertaken teaching and learning evaluation projects in schools. She has delivered staff CPD and mentored colleagues through delivery of direct action plans.
As part of her role as an education consultant, Marie has written and created maths, writing and comprehension study guides for the 7+ and 8+ exams, curriculum guides for parents and online primary school resources. She has also delivered staff training on wellbeing, mindfulness and positive psychology.
Marie has a keen interest in the importance of staff wellbeing in education (with a particular passion for the power of ‘positive psychology’ to achieve this). For the past 6 years she has taught in the post-19 education sector, delivering a wide-range of accredited and non-accredited courses in the community.
In the last couple of years, she has been part of an ‘Advanced Practitioner’ project with the post-19 service she works for. This has included working as part of a small team to develop an action-research project based on ‘Triangles of Excellence’ for peer support and presenting the project and its findings at the Education and Training Foundation National Conference. The triangle she participated in was based on ‘Developing Reflective Learners’.