Paul Field
Paul Field has over 30 years’ experience in education, including eight as headteacher, and now works as an independent consultant and trainer.
Paul specialises in promoting emotional and mental health, positivity and general wellbeing for pupils, parents and professionals. He has delivered keynote speeches and training in positive psychology/happiness to schools and businesses and has worked extensively across the UK and internationally.
Paul also works with The Art of Brilliance as a project developer and trainer and is currently leading on the new “Mental Health Award [schools]” having previously developed the highly acclaimed “Outstandingly Happy School” programme.
In addition to his positivity work, Paul supports schools with technology integration and global citizenship projects. He has been working with the JDO Foundation (a Denver based non-profit) for 6 years as Director of International Development and partnership support, supporting tech-integration and global collaboration projects in around 40 countries. He is also a Google Certified Educator (levels 1 & 2).