Rebecca Jennings
Rebecca Jennings of RAISE (Raising Awareness in Sex Education) has more than 18 years’ experience delivering age- and stage-appropriate relationship and sex education and training to primary and secondary schools, colleges, Pupil Referral Units, youth centres and training providers. She delivers workshops to pupils on topics including puberty, sexual health, LGBTQ, female genital mutilation (FGM), consent and the impact of pornography.
Rebecca trains staff in schools across the UK to deliver the more sensitive topics in the RSHE (Relationships, Sex and Health Education) curriculum. She also works with parents and carers to ensure they feel supported to talk openly with their children in an appropriate manner. Her portfolio includes a contract with the Department of Education as a subject matter expert, advising around the staff-training element of the RSHE curriculum.
Rebecca writes regular articles for providers such as Discovery Education, Optimus Education and Hodder Education, and is the author of Sex and Relationship Education in Primary School (Speechmark Publishing, 1999). She has appeared on the BBC’s Victoria Derbyshire show and regularly speaks on local and national radio, promoting the importance of educating children to be safe and informed.