Sarah Simons
After a long career as an actor and screenwriter, Sarah discovered a love of education (both teaching and learning) and moved into the further education sector, working with young adults in colleges and in the community as her full-time career. She specialises in working with people who have learning difficulties, disabilities and/or who are neurodivergent. In addition to teaching, she has also been a columnist, features writer and broadcaster for The Times Educational Supplement (TES) with over 450 pieces of work published, as well as contributor to a wide range of other education publications.
Sarah is an experienced speaker, giving keynote speeches, conducting live interviews at conferences, hosting national education events and chairing debate panels. She also leads teacher education sessions, often with a focus on behaviour management and inclusive practice.
She acts as ‘critical friend’ to a number of CEOs, works as a mentor to leadership and management teams and participates in national education think tanks. She has been a board member for numerous charities and is currently on the board of the Society of Education and Training, and associate consultant to the Education and Training Foundation. She also volunteers in the community, teaching creative arts to a group of adults with learning difficulties.
Throughout her career in education, Sarah has been dedicated to her own lifelong learning. She has attended a number of universities, gaining a degree in English, plus multiple higher-level qualifications in areas including specialist teaching of adult literacy, education studies, teaching learners with disabilities, as well as conducting extensive research on behaviour and inclusion specifically within the digital landscape.