Stéphane Goldstein
Stéphane Goldstein is the founder and Executive Director of InformAll, a social enterprise aimed at promoting the relevance, importance and benefits of information literacy (IL) in the library world and beyond. In that capacity, he has undertaken research and analysis, produced reports and tools and facilitated multi-stakeholder working.
He was the editor of ‘Informed Societies: why information literacy matters for citizenship, participation and democracy’, published in 2020. He is the Advocacy & Outreach Officer on the CILIP Information Literacy Group and is an RSA Fellow. He was previously at the Research Information Network, between 2005 and 2015, where he developed his interest in IL as well as in scholarly publishing policy, working on project management, research, facilitation and networking. Before that, he worked in a variety of science policy, public outreach and research management roles at the Medical Research Council and Research Councils UK.