Top Tips for Respect Online: Inspiring Digital Citizenship

Dr Carole Francis-Smith
Chartered counselling psychologist

Parent Guide

15 min

Rated 5 stars

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This week's free online safety guide focuses on 10 top tips for respect online: inspiring childing to build a better digital world, it takes a look at a number of tips such as how to prevent internet addiction, being aware of the dark side, and pressing ‘pause’.

A free online safety guide on 10 top tips for respect online: inspiring childing to build a better digital world.

Even before lockdowns inflamed the situation, one in every five 10- to 15-year-olds was experiencing bullying online: abusive messages, having rumours spread about them or being excluded from group chats, for example. Through smartphones and tablets, we’re used to being able to communicate from anywhere, at any time – but digital devices became commonplace so quickly that it caused a problem: as a society, we haven’t properly adjusted to how different they’ve made life. Our top tips can help you to build positive relationships online and avoid some of the potential issues.

In the guide, you'll find a number of tips such as how to stop internet addiction, being aware of the dark side, and pressing ‘pause’.

Dr Carole Francis-Smith

Dr Carole Francis-Smith is an experienced counselling psychologist who practices as a therapist both online and in the physical room. Her work and research into the online therapeutic relationship has drawn her to specialise in promoting safe and ethical online communications.

Carole consults with and offers bespoke trainings to businesses and organisations, supporting positive and effective online communications - often by considering some of the more hidden aspects of the various mediums. Concerned about the impact on our mental health and wellbeing, Carole has developed some Netiquette guidelines which carry an important message for us all.

the very first thing to share with your children before they step into digital world
Sekolah Lentera Indonesia
Learnt in the shortest time
Braeburn Mombasa International School
Very important knowledge
Teaching Assistant - Habitat Private School, Al Tallah
It's very useful and helpful information for our daily lives.
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