Classics for All
Classics for All (CfA) is a charity which seeks to ensure that pupils of all abilities and backgrounds have the opportunity to study classical subjects, traditionally associated with, and in most cases, only accessible to those with considerable socio-economic privilege.
CfA prides itself on offering flexible, long-term support to any schools interested in classics. Since 2010, nationally it has trained over 3,200 teachers and introduced classics on the curriculum in most cases, to over 180,000 pupils in 1,200 primary and secondary schools. Over 40% of schools it supports are in areas of socio-economic disadvantage. All the training and support it offers to state schools is free of charge.
CfA supports accessible approaches to classics teaching in schools. The charity encourages school leadership teams to make classics a permanent part of the school timetable, building pupils’ cultural awareness and enriching the curriculum. Teachers report a positive impact on pupils’ reading, writing, and perhaps more importantly, on their confidence and aspiration.
“If you're reviewing your curriculum then you might consider introducing Latin. We've been doing this since September and are beginning to see significant benefits in terms of language development and cultural literacy.” Deputy Headteacher, Stanley Road Primary School, Oldham