National Association for Able Children in Education (NACE)
An independent charity founded 40 years ago, the National Association for Able Children in Education (NACE) works with schools, education leaders and practitioners to improve provision for more able learners. They believe that through a focus on meeting the needs of more able learners and embedding an ethos and culture of high expectations for all, schools can ensure all young people have opportunities to flourish.
NACE shares best practice and guidance, with a focus on developing high-quality provision for more able learners and supporting whole-school improvement, grounded in research. They recommend that emphasis is placed on high expectations and high-quality, challenging teaching for all, with more able learners’ needs met largely through quality-first teaching with an ethos of teaching to the top.
They believe that this provision can be supplemented, extended, and enriched as needed by focused more able interventions, extracurricular activities, and further opportunities. Through careful crafting and implementation of the curriculum that will provide effectively for more able learners and, as a result, increase levels of challenge for all.