GCSE PE: Top Tips for Delivering Subject Content

The National College
Helping you drive up standards with world-leading experts


1 hour

This webinar will offer practical tips and tools for teachers to integrate into their classroom practice to improve academic outcomes for students in relation to GCSE Physical Education. The expert will showcase practices and pedagogies for helping learners to understand frequently challenging aspects of the curriculum, as well as elements which are core to the syllabus.
CPD Certified
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For: Teachers 

Aim: This webinar will offer practical tips and tools for teachers to integrate into their classroom practice to improve academic outcomes for students in relation to GCSE Physical Education. The expert will showcase practices and pedagogies for helping learners to understand frequently challenging aspects of the curriculum, as well as elements which are core to the syllabus.

Why this webinar’s important: Key Stage 4 offers students the chance to go into greater detail in chosen subjects – and, as they hone their focus, there’s an opportunity to develop not only exam readiness but their passion and skill, through engaging lessons in physical education. This webinar is part of a series offering expert guidance on teaching GCSE subjects: it will offer innovative ways to teach elements of the physical education curriculum to aid knowledge acquisition and retention with exams in mind, as well as increasing student engagement with the subject.

Outcome 1:

Recognising potentially challenging subject content through comparisons of recent exams and overviews of the syllabus

Outcome 2:

Considering the theory and practice behind effective pedagogical techniques for teaching subject content in physical education

Outcome 3:

Evaluating the balance between teaching in preparation for exams and teaching to develop a deep understanding and enthusiasm for the subject at KS4

Outcome 4:

Identifying practical tasks which can assist the teaching of common areas of the subject that can often prove more difficult for students to understand

Outcome 5:

Building a greater awareness of specific tools to support learning of the syllabus’ key components

The National College

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