This webinar will provide headteachers, senior leaders, governors, designated safeguarding leads, teachers and practitioners with advice and practical guidance on building trusting relationships to support vulnerable pupils and facilitate the disclosure of safeguarding incidents.
Keeping children safe in education states that, where ongoing support will be required, schools should offer the victim of a safeguarding incident ‘a designated trusted adult (for example, their form tutor or designated safeguarding lead) to talk to about their needs. The choice of any such adult should be the victim’s (as far as reasonably possible)’ - indicating that any member of staff may be called upon to assume the role.
In this webinar, Robin Watts, international safeguarding expert and education consultant who has worked with schools worldwide, provides insight into term ‘trusted adult’ in the context of statutory safeguarding guidance, and explains how all school staff can build trusting relationships with pupils to help achieve the best possible outcomes.