Becoming a Trusted Adult for Pupils | Primary

Robin Watts
International safeguarding expert


1h 40m

Rated 4 stars

30 reviews

This webinar will provide headteachers, senior leaders, governors, designated safeguarding leads, teachers and practitioners with advice and practical guidance on building trusting relationships to support vulnerable pupils and facilitate the disclosure of safeguarding incidents.
CPD Certified
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This webinar will provide headteachers, senior leaders, governors, designated safeguarding leads, teachers and practitioners with advice and practical guidance on building trusting relationships to support vulnerable pupils and facilitate the disclosure of safeguarding incidents.

Keeping children safe in education states that, where ongoing support will be required, schools should offer the victim of a safeguarding incident ‘a designated trusted adult (for example, their form tutor or designated safeguarding lead) to talk to about their needs. The choice of any such adult should be the victim’s (as far as reasonably possible)’ - indicating that any member of staff may be called upon to assume the role.

In this webinar, Robin Watts, international safeguarding expert and education consultant who has worked with schools worldwide, provides insight into term ‘trusted adult’ in the context of statutory safeguarding guidance, and explains how all school staff can build trusting relationships with pupils to help achieve the best possible outcomes.

Outcome 1:

Understanding how to build trusting relationships with pupils to help school staff fulfil their duties in the event of a safeguarding disclosure.

Outcome 2:

Gaining insight into the term ‘trusted adult’ as used in statutory safeguarding guidance, and particularly Keeping children safe in education, 2021.

Outcome 3:

Recognising the importance of establishing a culture of listening throughout the school, and one where dialogue is open and encouraged.

Outcome 4:

Understanding the role and responsibilities of the trusted adult in managing disclosures, including age-appropriate use of language and questions, setting boundaries and recording conversations.

Outcome 5:

Appreciating potential barriers to communication, such as trauma, age, vulnerability, disability, sex, ethnicity and/or sexual orientation.

Robin Watts

Robin Watts is an international safeguarding expert and independent trainer specialising in delivering child protection training to schools. He has delivered safeguarding training to over 280 international schools in over 70 countries worldwide and is a former detective for the Metropolitan Police, including spending 10 years working in the child abuse arena.

Robin is a worldwide specialist in delivering child abuse awareness training to schools, charities and volunteers and training the designated people in organisations in an advanced level of child protection. He has delivered training to and consulted with in excess of 1000 schools in the UK and all over the world. He has delivered safeguarding training, and assisted in the child protection procedures, policies, and practices. He also helps schools to get ready for the Ofsted inspection process and, to date, all schools he has worked with have achieved ‘Outstanding’ in the safeguarding arena.

Robin is a registered consultant with COBIS, does social work and lectures at universities. He is a former murder detective for the Metropolitan Police and during the latter part of his career worked predominantly in the child abuse arena, spending 5 years as a child abuse investigator before becoming a trainer/instructor/consultant.

Lots to take in but such important messages.
Fixby Junior and Infant School
Very Helpful
Teaching Assistant - Fixby Junior and Infant School
The speaker was very knowledgeable and had lots of hands on knowledge.
Teacher - Fixby Junior and Infant School
useful ideas
Governor - Ludworth Primary School
Lots of information
Teacher - Ludworth Primary School
Have done a lot of Safeguarding training and this was a good refresher which included many real life examples and practical ideas to support everyone invloved.
Governor - Ludworth Primary School
Teaching Assistant - Harvills Hawthorn Primary School
Lots of useful information to take away and use in my practice.
Head Teacher - St. Mary Magdalene Catholic Primary School
good watch, well written
Greenfields Academy
A very informative webinar, I have not dealt with a disclosure yet but feel a lot more confident should this occur at any point.
Teaching Assistant - Villiers Primary School
It was interesting and informative.
Teaching Assistant - Villiers Primary School
update on prior knowledge
Teaching Assistant - Villiers Primary School
Great information and feel more confident in dealing with vulnerable children.
Teaching Assistant - Villiers Primary School
Lots of useful information
Teacher - South Stanley Infant and Nursery School
To listen carefully to children who may find communicating hard to ensure that you are in tuned to their experiences ensuring they are in a safe and secure environment.
Teaching Assistant - Villiers Primary School
A child in our year group that has been taken into care that has trusted me and has opened up about his experiences.
Teaching Assistant - Villiers Primary School
Really good refresher course
Deputy Head_teacher - South Stanley Infant and Nursery School
Very informative
Nqt - Wayfield Primary School
Very knowledgeable
Teaching Assistant - Brighton College Abu Dhabi
very imformative
Greenfields Academy
it was interesting
Greenfields Academy
Very informative
Teaching Assistant - Willow School
gives me more information in better details.
Teaching Assistant - Brighton College Abu Dhabi
I've learnt a lot about this webinar
Brighton College Abu Dhabi