Understand How to Teach for Mastery of Maths | Primary

Mark Avis
Mathematics specialist teacher


48 min

Rated 5 stars

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This webinar will provide headteachers, mathematics leads, teachers and teaching assistants with practical guidance and support towards teaching the mastery of mathematics, enabling pupils to develop a deeper understanding of the subject and move confidently onto the next stage.
CPD Certified
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This webinar will provide headteachers, mathematics leads, teachers and teaching assistants with practical guidance and support towards teaching the mastery of mathematics, enabling pupils to develop a deeper understanding of the subject and move confidently onto the next stage.

Mastering mathematics means ‘pupils acquiring a deep, long-term, secure and adaptable understanding of the subject’. The Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) report that an effective approach to mastery learning can, on average, lead to additional 5 months progress although admit that making mastery learning work successfully is challenging.

In this webinar Mark Avis, a mathematics specialist with over 30 years’ teaching and leadership experience, will explore the concept of ‘teaching for mastery in mathematics’, the different ways that mastery can be used and various techniques that teachers can apply mastery teaching in the classroom.

Outcome 1:

Understanding what the concept of ‘teaching mastery’ means and how to judge when mastery of a subject has been achieved.

Outcome 2:

Recognising the ways in which the term ‘mastery’ is used including as a set of principles and beliefs, curriculum development and pedagogical practice.

Outcome 3:

Identifying different strategies to teach for the mastery of mathematics and delivering practical examples to support understanding.

Outcome 4:

Understanding the different approaches and core principles behind implementing mastery teaching in the classroom.

Outcome 5:

Recognising what effective teaching for mastery can achieve and how it can benefit pupils to foster a deeper and more embedded level of learning.

Mark Avis

Mark Avis is a Mathematics Specialist Teacher with over 30 years’ teaching and school leadership experience on top of his Master’s degree in Primary Maths Pedagogy.

He is the Director of Mathematics of the Aspire Multi Academy Trust, Aspirer Teaching School and Aspirer Research School. He has led the introduction of an evidence-informed approach to maths teaching called “small steps to depth” and he has recently led a maths improvement project involving 39 schools across Cheshire. Further to this, Mark has carried out two research projects looking at ways to improve the teaching of times tables.

Mark has previously been a Deputy Headteacher and Headteacher of several primary schools and is currently the Deputy Head of Ash Grove Primary in Macclesfield. He was in post, leading in Mathematics, throughout the school’s journey to Outstanding school in 2013.