This webinar will provide senior leaders, SENDCOs, safeguarding leads and teaching staff with practical guidance and insight into how young learners with autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) can interact with technology in empowering, beneficial ways in both school and home environments.
According to the World Health Organisation, 1 in every 160 children worldwide has autism. In the UK, that ratio is 1 in every 57; in the US, it’s 1 in 54. The increasing prevalence, therefore, of technology in education – and the complexities that can bring into play for young people with ASD – presents a significant challenge for schools. However, if introduced and deployed properly, it can also help ASD learners to build their confidence and skill in communicating and interacting socially.
In this webinar, Dr Melissa Morgenlander, an adjunct professor at Brooklyn College (part of the City University of New York) specialising in cognitive learning, and whose son is autistic, discusses how technology can support development and wellbeing, and how we can adapt devices for more effective safeguarding.